Tips on staying in Rochester while a patient at Mayo? Local neighborhoods, transportation, etc.
There is a possibility that I could be accepted into a transplant program (as a transplant patient) at Mayo Clinic. This would require that I and two care providers set up house near the Clinic.
First round would be for evaluation, a weeklong process, that might happen sometime at the end of February (not sure yet. Just going on what little I do know).
Second round, if I’m listed, would be for at least three months.
I would be coming from California. I know nothing of living in the Rochester region. Mostly I would want the comfort of my caregivers to be prioritized.
What can I expect as far as decent places to stay and visit, and what would transportation be like for non-snow people? We are older, but game. My own physical limitations are significant, but my caregivers are healthy and capable.
My concern is for making the experience very worthwhile for my caregivers, who would be sacrificing a lot by accompanying me to that area.
Thank you for any tips you can provide!