Expect nothing, demand nothing, just enjoy the moment.
Listen, the last 24+ hours have been CRAZY, no arguing that, but I think we all, regardless of our position, should just take a breath and look at the situation.
RT, the brand, the long enduring brand that survived over 2 decades, is saved. It's back in good hands. Red Vs Blue is back in good hands.
The company is gone though, and I just don't see it ever coming back.
This company was built organically over time, and the fan base grew with it.
That company isnt coming back, it can't, and it shouldn't. Towards the end it was mired by controversy. Overworked employees, abuse, a hands off approach to harassment of staff, target deadlines that messed with projects and red tape that meant even founders couldn't get their projects off the ground.
But RT survived, it's legacy survived.
It won't be torn apart by WB, everyone who made something out of RT (RWBY, Fu**face, Red Web etc) got to take it with them, and good for them!
We are left with the memories, and with time and nostalgia the majority of those will hopefully be good memories.
But now we have a chance, a real chance, to rally around RT, and Burnie (Tesla Owner & Emmy nominated two-time founder), with no expectations or demands, but a show of support for these first steps.
I think that is all we should do for now.
Enjoy the moment, take solace in the fact RT is back in the hands of someone who loved and respected it, and hope we one day get a full box set of RVB (kidding but also, please gods please).
-From a fan since 2009, and hopefully many years to come.