Have You Accidentally Found Out That You Were to Be Fired?
Here is the story of the time I found out that I was to be fired: an employee in a different section (non-sales) whom I barely knew walked past me in the parking lot and stopped to tell me that my three English bosses planned to hire a woman to replace me (I am a man) and not just any woman, but one hot enough for them to ogle and flirt with. That is the kind of pervs that I knew they were. After hearing that, I wiped my company-issued Macbook Air clean, mentally checked out, and waited for my last day.
After I left the company, I heard they blatantly teased her sexually and was told they had hired her specifically for her charms: she flirted right back.
A few months later I got the delicious news that they had taken her on a business trip to Wisconsin to meet the company's most important client. In short, a good time was had by all, and she ended up fucking an employee who worked client’s headquarters.
It gets better, a sympathetic former co-worker told me that he had dug around and found that my replacement had a police record (shoplifting) and her mugshot was online.
When I heard this news I sent an anonymous email to the right person at the client’s headquarters describing the sex and a link to the mugshot. The fallout was magnificent: the client demanded that my replacement be fired, and she was, and my company’s reputation with their most important customer was ruined (they didn’t lose all the business, however).
Suddenly my old bosses were checking out my LinkedIn profile and I had the pleasure of blocking all three.
I have been told that I should not have done what I did, that it wasn't professional, blah, blah, blah, but I don't care. The memory of how it all played out still brings a smile to my face.