I think my job is making me unemployable
This is more of a rant than anything. I've been at the same SAAS company for years. Made tons of money here in the past, blew past quota every year, hit presidents club a bunch of times, etc.
Now we've been acquired. The company itself is doing fine but our comp plans are cut to shit, but more importantly the territories have been sliced and quota raised to an incredible degree. Our various teams used to get along great, but now everyone is fighting over scraps to get by.
I kid you not - 0% of reps hit quota last year. That includes me. And what's the response? Raise quota of course!
Naturally I've started taking recruiter calls that I wouldn't have in the past. I had a promising interview for a company in growth stage, prepping for IPO, promising equity. Yeah boy LFG.
I got turned down - why? lack of quota attainment!
This is putting me into a negative tailspin of feeling like I am stuck on a sinking ship. In future interviews, what's the best way to spin this without sounding like a crazy person ranting on r/sales?
Thanks peeps :)
Edit: wow alright the council has spoken!