Thanks Guys :) (Selfie appreciation)

Hey everyone, long time lurker first time posting anything about my mental illness publicly ever, just wanted to say to everyone posting selfies thank you! I've always viewed myself as some sort of outcast or monster for having this illness and I've had a really hard time accepting that I'm not some sort of "freak" and you hear it day in day out from anyone who supports you that your not. And normally it kinda doesn't stick yknow? But for some reason seeing all these people posting their faces.. these beautiful faces of all these normal people! It made me feel something I've never felt before and that I'm feeling normal and heard/seen.

It's strange cause I've never really understood support groups, I've always never understood the whole concept of "hey my life sucks too! Cause I've got the same problems!" So they always felt wierd to me but it's been very motivational seeing these selfies! So I decided to remove my lurker status just to say thank you to everyone brave enough to post a selfie, it's been beautiful and if you ever were like "idk who this is helping anyway".. me.. it's me your helping rn so thank you! Love you all!