The Productivity Craze/Fad. Toxic Hustle Culture.


Anyone remember this? From about 2019 - 2021 or maybe even 2022 it was all about being productive. "Living your best life", self development, waking up at 5am, grinding and hustling. It was dominating youtube with channels like: Matt D'Avella, Thomas Frank, Nathaniel Drew, Better Ideas.

It instilled a sense of pretentiousness into people. Going against who you are as a person, being someone you aren't. For me personally, I was absorbed in it, to the point I lost touch with those I felt were not inclined towards a certain mindset.

I then started seeing videos countering all of this. "Toxic Productivity", "The issues of hustle culture". Etc. From about 2022 onwards.

I am glad that the tables have turned and we're not seeing this craze/fad dominate. Be who you are. Be content with your lifestyle as it is. Be the best version of yourself in the life that you are currently living, not the best version of the fake version of yourself trying to wake up at 5am to "hustle".

All ot these self improvement channels seemed to have petered off.