Recommended Dodge roll mods for animation mod noobs for SKSE

Hey all. Just wondering if anyone can recommend me a simple dodge roll mod I could use for Skyrim Special Edition when I'm attacking enemies all at once when I'm trying to hold agro etc. For example. I ran into a bunch of bandits by mistake and I'm also using True Directional Movement using SkyUI right? I can't find a good mod that will let me roll around the mobs so I can get behind them and attack from behind or dodge their attacks while targeting etc. Can anyone recommend a good mod for that for beginner dodge roll mods that are simple to use? I heard Ultimate Dodge was good but not sure. I'm playing 1.5.97 of SKSE for now until my PC can handle the AE version. "Yes I downgraded for a reason." Don't judge plz. XD. I just want something that I can simply install easily with out any issues with MO2 and just play away if possible. Or if there is a guide on how to use said mod on YouTube id appropriate that too since I'm a visual learner etc. Appreciate the help! Hope you guys have a Happy Holidays. :) πŸ™πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ And if there is also a better sprinting mod as well for running would appreciate that as well too. And a sliding mod as well. Thanks. :)