What can I do?
My girl turned 1 on the 15th, and her sleep has been pretty unpredictable for a few weeks now. She doesn’t go to sleep until at least 10:30pm because her naps have shifted to later on in the day.
- She’s still on 2 naps a day
- Her naps total to 3hr 20 minutes on average per day
- Her night time sleep totals to 10hr 20 minutes a day.
- She wakes up on average 10am, and goes to bed 11:30pm.
This makes her total sleep for the day on average 13hr 40 mins.
What can I do to shift her to an earlier bedtime again? Until about 10/11 months old, she slept perfectly and her tiredness was in line with her wake windows. What have I done wrong? What can I do? Please help! TIA