Need advice on making a website!

Hello! I run a small business and sell all my work on Etsy. I don’t like the amount of fees being taken out, but I do like the idea of Etsy promoting my stuff on the search page. But due to the fees, I’m wanting to move over to my own website. The only issue with this, is that I know my products won’t come up as easily. Usually if you go on safari and search up a product similar to mine, my shop comes up. I’m worried that if I move my stuff over to a website, my items won’t be as easily seen as they once were.

I want to be able to do transactions and ship items out without having a lot of fees taken out, but also have my work show up on people’s feeds when they search something up (without paying for ads), like Etsy does. Any recommendations? I feel like Etsy is holding me back from reaching my full potential, and the fees are just becoming too much. Any help is appreciated!