Needing to pee and poop sensation

Hi all my partner is 10months into his spinal injury, his a c5/c6 “complete” quad. Today I asked him as I do every so often if he has any new sensations and he told me there’s a new sensation that feels like he needs to pee sometimes and poop, i asked him if it feels like how he used to feel and he said yes, but in the inside he said he doesn’t know how to explain it. He can’t really feel his enema in the morning when I asked if he could feel that, he said not really and when he thinks he can it’s only once in a while and even then his not sure if he can feel it it’s more on the not really side.

His had these sensations for a couple of days and I’m just wondering on what people’s thoughts are especially the quads on here and if it’s a good sign.

He has no movement below his Nipples, but his PT says his showing signs of lower injury (c7).

Any thoughts on this sensation? Thanks in advance ☺️