I died in 2017. Was placed here... an alternate timeline. AMA
As it says.
In 2017, I died of supernatural causes. Heart failed as a result.
I experienced being in a coma for 3 days. Hearing a doctor tell my mother what had happened.
I could here my family around me. I was heartbroken. Even my ex girlfriend, who I loved very much, showed up and told me she loved me. Which was funny because apparently it gave me an erection. Which made me giggle while I was in my coma. My sensations were detached from my body. In my experience, what was taught in Egypt is closest to the truth about what happens in life and in death.
My Spirit Double or "Ka" traveled in the spirit world for a long time after I went through the light.
It was the single most psychedelic experience I've ever had. I also experienced other beings as well as a realm of being just like this with all the same people except we could talk telepathically.
Our "Ka's" or spirit doubles, communicate with each other. I think they do here in this realm as well. I think my Ka has awoken here,
AMA about it. I will tell you even more of what I know if I can answer your question.