How tf is this legal ????
this dude hung a huge speaker in the middle of the bus and started singing. I just wanted to off myself
I travel on ctb buses specifically because they don't put on loud music but today two people came one after another ! sang like 10 songs right next to my freaking ear like wth !?! all of us in the middle rows were looking at each other . i told the conductor but that dumb f*ck ignored it.
sometimes i just think people tolerate bullshit too much. Like we dont HAVE to tolerate this . its a public bus ffs. its made for transportation not freaking entertainment. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined .
this dude hung a huge speaker in the middle of the bus and started singing. I just wanted to off myself
I travel on ctb buses specifically because they don't put on loud music but today two people came one after another ! sang like 10 songs right next to my freaking ear like wth !?! all of us in the middle rows were looking at each other . i told the conductor but that dumb f*ck ignored it.
sometimes i just think people tolerate bullshit too much. Like we dont HAVE to tolerate this . its a public bus ffs. its made for transportation not freaking entertainment. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined .