We need to talk about the new policies

Tbf we all have been talking about them nonstop these past few days and I have made a handful of comments about my thoughts but I wanted to have an honest conversation where everyone can see what I have to say.

I think the new starbucks policies are absolutely antithetical to the values starbucks preaches and some of the saddest nonsense ive seen from them in forever. Im not even a Starbucks hater im an SSV at a high incident store and I usually feel so supported by starbucks. I love our team, my benefits, and our regulars!

However, As partners we already have AMPLE resources to trespass, ban, call the police and kick out any customer who violates the third place or code of conduct. The changes have not empowered us to do that more effectively. The changes simply state only paying customers can remain in the lobby, drink free water, or use the bathroom.

I understand the issue with the lobby and that they get crowded this is one of the changes im less insanely upset by. I still think starbucks could have done something different or tried to solve this problem with more empathy for poor people. Maybe a time-limit per customer or something similar. But overall whatever.

Regarding the lack of ability to give out free water or the bathroom code to people who need it. This is just straight up anti poor and anti homeless punishment. There was NEVER a need for this. Again as a SSV I had all the power I could ever want to refuse service to someone who does not respect me, the baristas, or the space. The only possible justification for this is hate, greed and/or classism. However it doesnt just affect the poor. People come through all the time asking for hot water on cold days or ice water on scorching ones. People who are in a bad place come through and are kind and just want the basic human need of a bathroom or water. If they are not kind or disrespectful or have a pattern of behavior like I have said over and over again we can ALREADY tell them to leave! Call the police, write an incident report, or do whatever the hell we think is best.

I used to love the trust starbucks placed in its employees to make the right call. Instead we cant make the moment right or lead with empathy. We have to lead with greed and hate. Its disappointing.