The San'Tok.yai is viable and useful.

I was really surprised to see so much shade sent the way of this ship yesterday. Comments like "How could this even be useful with such a huge frontal facing profile, what can you even do with it?". From a PVP perspective, it might not be be worth it, but it definitely is viable for PVE combat.4 Gimbled size 3 repeaters and a size 2 shield is a combination not seen on any other single person fighter at this point, and it is pretty potent. The guns are mitigated a little by the capacitor, but it's not terrible, and might change down the road. Don't get me wrong, it does have some issues, but no ship has been perfect on release, and likely never will be. I was worried that the amazing art work on the Syulen interior and exterior was going to make this ship look bland, but that is not the case at all. In game, it is absolutely stunning. I just have the factory green paint, and the exterior texture and shine is just amazing. The cockpit detail and art deco alien look is something special as well. The extending seat is amazing (when it works), and the bio organic "breathing" that the wing pylons do when it's landed really sell the alien feel. It also sounds like nothing else!! It might not be a ship for everyone, but it's obvious that a ton of work went into it, and there's no reason to think this is a worthless ship by any means.