How do you work with a co-founder who has different values, but is just as passionate?

Hey guys,

I’m a co-founder in a startup that I’m super passionate about. My co-founder is just as dedicated, which is awesome, but we sometimes clash when it comes to our values and approaches to business.

Here’s the deal: I’m the kind of guy who believes in doing whatever it takes to succeed—even if that means being a bit cunning or “strategic” with decisions. I see it as doing what’s necessary in a tough market. My co-founder, on the other hand, has a strong ethical foundation and is all about doing things transparently and not taking advantage of anyone, even if it means a slower path to success.

While I respect their approach, these differences are creating tension. Has anyone dealt with something similar? How do you find common ground or work through situations where your foundational values differ, but you’re both equally passionate about the company? Any tips or frameworks that have worked for you?

Thanks in advance for any insights!