Will my husband turn on me…

I am a SAHM to a 6 month old and 2 year old. My husband and I agreed that we were not going to use daycare before we even conceived our first child, and that he would love for me to stay home with his kids. He even called it his dream, said he wanted to be a provider etc. We planned like crazy, and we wound up in a situation where I am now a SAHM.

Prior to having kids, I told my husband that my only fear was that he would resent me. I saw this happen to my parents. They're still together, but my dad used to make comments in front of us more and more as we got older. For example "what did you do all day, watch cooking shows?" "MY money paid for xyz" "I'll never be able to retire because of you" (there is no way my parents could have afforded daycare for all of us, and my mother went back to work when my youngest sibling was like 7 so).

Well... the comments have started. They're in jest right now, but I can't help but think that this is a path that leads to them not being jokes. For now, my husband is an equal partner. I do a lot of the cleaning/cooking but he always picks up the slack with what I couldn't accomplish during the day. He acknowledges how hard my job is, and even has said he was on the phone with a friend saying he doesn't know how I do it. But the "I thought this was what I had a stay at home wife for?", "You mean I paid for that?" Etc jokes are starting to become more and more frequent.

In other women's experience... is this how it starts? I can't imagine my husband ever becoming like my dad, or leaving me. It would shock me to my absolutely core. But I'm not naive.

I don't think I'd ever regret being home with my kids during these formative years, regardless. I have a great resume, my own savings and 2 professional licenses to fall back on. But, do I need to prepare more?