I REALLY wanted to drink yesterday.
I took my motorcycle out for a cruise along the beach. I usually bar hop. I know, totally unsafe, but it has never stopped me in 20 years of riding. As I rode along past the tiki bars and seafood joints I couldn't help but think "just one". But I didn't, because I don't do "just one". I do 5 or 6, and a couple shots. And I buy a 6 pack or a bottle on the way home and shove it in the saddlebag. But I didn't. I enjoyed the sights and sounds, logging about 100 miles. When my wife got home from work I was totally sober, face bright red from the wind and sun. She was glad to see me, not disappointed. Shortly after that she got a call that her mother had a stroke. I was present, not passed out on the couch. We talked through it. We made Greek salad and had leftover pizza. Went to bed sober. Woke up rested. So glad I didn't drink.
EDIT: Thank you all for the kind words. This post has really made me realize that I owe her hundreds more of those days. To make up for all the times I was passed out on the couch, or still at the bar ignoring her calls and texts, or sleeping in late too hungover to participate in life, etc... I don't know what I did to deserve such a good woman, but I'm trying to be worthy of it. IWNDWYT