2012 legacy bogs/ chokes when accelerating from a stop.
It just started doing this on Saturday. When accelerating after a stop (stop sign/stop light) the car bogs/ chokes. It runs fine after that until the next stop. It doesn’t die completely but kinda feels the same as when you let the clutch out too early in a manual vehicle. It seems like it does better in cooler temperatures as well for some reason. On the way in to work this morning it ran perfectly, but on the way home it was like 85 outside and the issue was immediately back. I did put some sea foam in the tank this morning though so that might have had something to do with the smooth ride this morning. Im going to look at the air filter and mass airflow sensor tomorrow. But I don’t think that’s the issue. I’m kinda leaning more towards fuel filter or fuel pump. But I don’t know a whole lot about cars so I thought I would see if anyone here had any suggestions. I don’t have any warning lights or anything like that so I don’t think there are any codes to read yet. Should there be codes if it was a fuel issue? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.