Can someone direct me to wrecs via lifepods through the compass?

I really want the grapple arm, reinforced dive suit and water recycle dive suit but I'm on console so can't really utilise coordinates

I am actually still scared of reapers since I just built my cyclopse and have already lost 3 seamoths (one due to the auroa (beached it) and 2 due to damage (1 from a reaper and one from a sand shark as I was afraid of the dunes and just found the floating islands (the underwater ones) so was very jumpy)) and have lost a cyclopse due to forgetting to save during a 4 ish hour session

Yeah I know it's a stupid ask but I have trouble remembeing biomes and where they are without spending ages writing notes on the lifepods distances so the wiki is no help (and I find the online maps confusing translating it to a screen since I can't see where I am )

I'm asking for either distance markers from multiple lifepods or at a lifepod saying NW for example.

Please note if I'll be running into a reaper or be hitting a agro range of one.

(I usually stream my progress twice a week and I really want the grapple arm before I explore past the ghost livithithan / my Nickle scanner room before the lava zone so don't really wanna spend hours going around reapers looking for wrecs in my cyclopse as I genuinely can't figure out if I'm in the right biome when I look )

As a more general question how close is the ghost livitan from the next to the basic lifepod in the closest blue ball zone like how far do the juveniles travel because I have been going to the lifepod in the deep shroom/ blood oil zone to go into the ghost livithithan area for ages due to the scary music that sometimes plays at my base.