Why Jordan, Shanice & Bria are the most phony & manipulative people on this show.
I’ll explain for each person
Shanice- in this new episode, at the very end, she really tried to play the most nasty victim role I have ever seen on TV in a long time over the stalking case with her ex. She just lied to everybody on television about that situation with her ex. From her saying that “he sent nudes of them” (& acting like he did all the things that she did to him with the stalking and harassing, which she said btw in season 1 that she admitted to stalking him AND THEN LIED ON THIS EPISODE AND SAID SHE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING) to her saying that “she has anxiety” from Alex talking about the situation. What she neglected to say was that her ex boyfriend went to the police with all that evidence and they didn’t try to help him at all with all the crazy shit she did to him. Just because a case is “thrown out” doesn’t mean nothing occurred prior. She stalked & harassed him & nobody took it serious in the law. What pissed me off about her was her mentioning the anxiety thing. She took NO ACCOUNTABILITY FOR HER ACTIONS. How are you gonna have anxiety over your own crazy ass actions? What she did right there at dinner was make herself sound like the victim & literally gaslighted Alex into thinking he was wrong for looking her up or even talking about that situation. I think the reason she was crying was not even because of “anxiety” but it was because she was embarrassed by her stalking actions & deep down I think she knows she did it but doesn’t wanna face that reality nor face people who see her as a stalker. Which is why she cries all the time because she can’t accept responsibility for her actions that she did & she can’t accept being called a stalker. Once again, if this was a man who did what Shanice did to their ex, every woman would want him out the house with no questions asked. Nick & Alex had every right to know that they’re dealing with a weirdo stalker in the house they’re all staying in.
Jordan- Jordan is one of those girls who feels like she can say or do whatever she wants to anyone and no matter what it is, no matter how wrong she is, in her mind she’s in the right and you’re in the wrong. She’s self centered & a fucking phony. If Jasmine was really her best friend, according to her, how you had alopecia your whole life and didn't tell her? Thats strictly on Jordan, you gave that info to Summer (who you barely knew over Jasmine & oh btw, Summer tells all her business, what makes you think she wasn’t gonna tell others about your alopecia?), thinking it was cool to purposefully and spitefully exclude Jasmine from knowing that information about you & be vindictive towards Jasmine & it backfired massively on Jordan. Then on top of that, this woman seriously used her alopecia & the situation with her family as a cop out TO REALLY use it as a chance to tell Alex how she feels about him ESPECIALLY WHEN HE WAS TRYING TO HELP HER. If Jordan really never liked Alex then why would she confess all that to the table & him or better yet have a conversation with him. Jordan made that comment that “Alex had her fucked for looking up info about Shanice”. Let me break that down. Jordan and Bria are the worst kind of friends to have because they made Alex sound like he’s wrong for looking up all the PUBLIC INFO about Shanice & the weird shit she did and didn’t hold Shanice accountable for her actions at all. Jordan & Bria choose to believe Shanice’s side of that entire situation all the while ignoring the blatant evidence of Shanice being a complete stalker & and weirdo to her ex boyfriend. Shanice could be a serial killer and Bria & Jordan would validate that she’s in the right for being a killer & you’re in the wrong for looking up that kinda info on the public internet about someone you spending time with in a summerhouse. Last thing, she told Alex that “I would’ve kicked your ass if we keeping it gangsta” I hate when women do shit like this. I don’t think men should put their hands on women at all but that doesn’t give any woman the right to talk however you want to talk to people or put hands on anybody. Man or woman. The way Jordan spoke to Alex at the table... Had Alex "kept it gangster," and then proceeded to say the same thing to her that she said to him, she would be somewhere crying about how she's been treated by men. This is what i mean by Jordan can always dish it but can never take it when something is directed back at her. Jordan is the kinda girl that feels like she can talk however she wants because she’s a woman & nobody can tell her she’s wrong or do anything about it. That’s extremely dangerous and she needs therapy AND I MEAN ALOT OF IT.
Bria- Bria will seriously cry when she doesn’t get her way and act like a spoiled brat after the fact. She takes no accountability for her actions, starts shit and then walks away and expects people to figure shit out on their own.
All 3 of these people are extremely manipulative in their own way.