Choose 1 Ability from 3 SuperHero’s
Choose 1 ability from 3 Superhero’s to give yourself a chance to take on some of the world’s most nutritious villain’s
Which ones do you take ?
Choose from / Wolverine / Batman / Spider-Man / Immortal / Captain America / Lex Luthor / DareDevil / She-Hulk / Mystique
Tried to stay away from all the OP hero’s to make it interesting l.
Choose 1 ability from 3 Superhero’s to give yourself a chance to take on some of the world’s most nutritious villain’s
Which ones do you take ?
Choose from / Wolverine / Batman / Spider-Man / Immortal / Captain America / Lex Luthor / DareDevil / She-Hulk / Mystique
Tried to stay away from all the OP hero’s to make it interesting l.