engage in bronze?

i have friends who say if i want to climb i need to play engage champs, however i just can’t get it to work. i’ll play engage with my friends (gold to emerald ranks) and it most of the time goes well, however sometimes we are on comms, and we also have an established trust.

after having a lot of clutch games as leona and naut with my friends i finally tried to play them solo, and it was unplayable. i will say i still have a lot to learn with these champs, but there just seems to be a complete lack of trust. i try to ping when i have things up and when im going in but its a coin flip if my laner follows up. honestly even just an aa or two would be something to help with the trade, but then when that doesn’t happen then i dont want to go in as much because i also dont trust it will be a good trade.

there’s also often times where someone will flash (my adc) or dash (kat types) well out of my range and now i feel useless because im spending valuable time walking up to be able to do things, or theyre fighting in a wave and im nautilus so i can’t really hook to get in there. then i get called useless which i understand because i was, but its also partially a comms issue, and if i knew the plan i would have been placed for that better

i think i just need more trial and error, and maybe to be placed more aggressively more frequently? i think it’s a comms issue mostly tbh