Driving irritations

Far out. Just got home from 3 days on the road (travelling with a 5 month old to Qld).

Is it just me or does nobody realise the fucken right lane in an overtaking lane is for overtaking?

M11 (Northconnex) - several vehicles in right lane, going about 0.5km/h faster than the trucks in the left lane. All about 10km/h under the speed limit. Wouldn't switch lanes to let anyone through. I noticed this more as I got closer to Sydney on the M1 as well. The amount of times I had to switch into left lanes to undertake was irritating.

Then the kicker - absolute fucking brainlet on Heathcote Road heading home via a detour through Liverpool for a few groceries. Every. Single. Time. This imbecile would pull into the right lane for overtaking and just do the same speed, meaning nobody could get past the one idiot doing 70 in the 90 zone without some weaving. Red Kona, last seen turning up onto New Illawarra Highway past Lucas Heights.

I'm not one for road rage but fuck me dead. I've been on the road for 3 days and I just want to get home!