Take away on Special Ops: Lioness Season 2
OMG, the 2nd season of Lioness is such a typical, cliché-ridden piece of US TV trash. A Chinese-backed Mexican drug cartel (supposedly also supported by the Mexican government in alliance with Beijing) kidnaps a U.S. politician advocating for stricter anti-drug laws, killing her family in the process. The Lioness team of hard boiled CIA veterans rescues the heroic politician and (in the absurd plot twist that follows) sends an undercover agent after the drug lord responsible. This agent is the daughter of the drug lord's brother, who lives in the U.S. and works as an immigration lawyer (what else!! 😆) while secretly assisting his drug lord sibling. The undercover heroine's compelling reason for taking on the mission? The non debatable, convincing argument of Lioness head Joe (Zoe Saldana) "I love my country and don’t want it speaking Chinese or Russian." The nonsense is unbearable—it feels like J.D. Vance must have written the script. Throw in ‘authentic’ family scenes where the heroine’s kids sell lemonade on the street and their dad giving them a lesson about what "transphobic" really means. So, it ticks all boxes about how semi smart Americans want to see their world or in other words it's the biggest garbage I’ve watched in months.