Looking For Engineer Mains

Hello anyone who is reading this message, I’m apart of a steam group known as the 2fort department of defense. We specialize in building engineer nests in 2fort community servers. Every shift is around 1 hour or 30 min and you are paid 6 scrap every time you attend. We normally do shifts at around 8:00pm Hawaii Standard time. This is subject to change. If anyone would like to apply please add me and we can discuss matters. (They wouldn’t let me post this stuff on the other communities)

Hello anyone who is reading this message, I’m apart of a steam group known as the 2fort department of defense. We specialize in building engineer nests in 2fort community servers. Every shift is around 1 hour or 30 min and you are paid 6 scrap every time you attend. We normally do shifts at around 8:00pm Hawaii Standard time. This is subject to change. If anyone would like to apply please add me and we can discuss matters. (They wouldn’t let me post this stuff on the other communities)