I need to rant… [SPOILERS]

I know I am years late to the discussion but I really just cant grasp what joel did was wrong. Throughout playing both games maybe less than 3 people (main/side characters) died due to a bite. A large majority of everyone who died was from people on people violence. Every new city we visited the biggest threat was never the infected it was everyone else, from fedra, to the raiders and violent people in KC, david and his cannibal followers, WLF, The Scars, and the rattlers. I just cant see how any of those factions would be less vicious if you introduce a vaccine. None of their actions can be justified by a fear of the infected, a lot of them did things out of pure evilness and i think Joel knew a vaccine could not fix that and it was not worth saving especially at the expense of ellie. Yes you can argue ellie wanted that, but a teenager searching for purpose cannot fully consent to something that grave, why not let her wait until she was old enough to truly understand the gravity of that choice. Having said that it also raises a eyebrow given how they immediately put her under sedation and planned to kill joel, and jerry himself couldnt even answer if he would do the same for abby, which nobody else in their right mind would sacrifice their child, adoptive or not for a apocalyptic world. What do you guys say?