Can polygamy work?
My (24f) MM (30m) and I met at work when I was going through some hard times and which included problems at work and a break up. he was there for me and comforted me throughout the situation and when he told me he developed feelings for me I started trying to avoid him but I wasn’t strong enough and now we are in deep but only for four months. The reason I thought it would be fine is because he’s not from my country he came here for work and his wife is in his home country but I recently discovered that he has made all efforts to bring her and their son to live with him. This hurt me because how can you spend so much time with me while preparing for another woman? He says he loves both of us and he just wants to be able to raise his son (3years) himself, he also said that we can still be together when she comes cause they are both Muslims and their religion permits polygamy. But I’m Christian and my friends and family wouldn’t respect my decision to be a second wife nor is bigamy permitted in this country. I plan to leave him in approximately 6 weeks after Valentine’s Day but I don’t know. I just want some opinions please. TIA!