Looking for support
Hey all, I have been really struggling with being a therapist and would love some support / guidance.
I am an associate mft 1 year post grad/2 years seeing clients and about 1/3 through my hours towards licensure. I work part time in private practice and part time at community mental health clinic. where i live, the cost of living is really high and im making maybe $42,000 a year. I am not in this career for the money but I also need to pay rent and medical expenses. For context I am neurodivergent and chronically ill but generally low needs in these departments and this is my first career.
I love seeing my clients but I am so utterly drained from work that I am unable to "fill my cup" with quality friend time and hobbies. Up until a few weeks ago I was working out 3 times a week and filling my weekends with nature time and friends. It all just feels so unsustainable. I've spent the last few weeks basically in hibernation seeing very few people working out a lot less and just trying to recharge. I feel like i was trying to self care too hard and was not simply resting enough. The last few weekends have provided me some essence of recharging but as soon as I get through my Monday clients (normally 5) I am drained.
I think part of the general drain is moving between job sites and procedures but truthfully its being "on" for multiple hours with clients every day and I only see 16-18 clients a week right now. I am just feeling overwhelmed that I feel this burnt out and overwhelmed this early in the career and am barely able to pay my rent. Seeing this many clients does not feel sustainable for me but I also don't make enough to see less. I'm feeling very lost in this process as i wanted to become therapist since I was a teen. i love the work i do with clients but i also dont see how i can live long term that sucks so much out of me. how have other people made it through these low paid time towards licensure? are there creative ways or jobs to get clinical hours?
I am also considering taking some time off but am fearful of the repercussions. Will someone hire me after I take a few months off to reassess?