My schedule is a mess 😩

I need help, or maybe just a slap in the face. For the life of me, I seem to be unable to streamline/consolidate my schedule into anything sensible. Instead, I have appointments scattered all over the place, and I know that it's causing me problems in multiple areas of my life. I doubt I would let this happen if I was doing in-person therapy, but I am currently 100% virtual. So, it's easy enough to duck in and out of sessions whenever they occur - but is definitely not great. Ideally, I'd love to have dedicated blocks of time when I am working and when I am not working. Like a regular job! But why is this so hard?

Does anyone have words of advice on how to discipline myself into having stronger boundaries? I think part of the problem is that I just changed practices last summer and it's been REALLY slow rebuilding my caseload. So there's this scarcity mindset where I'm afraid if I don't accommodate people's desired times, I would be turning business away. But then, I know I will be a stronger therapist all around if I can get into "the zone" and really maximize my dedicated work times.