[TOMT][WEBSITE][2000s] Timewasting website from mid 2000s - early 2010s
When I was a kid, me and everyone in my elementary school would go on this site, even some teachers. I remember that it had a few timewaster browser games, but the biggest feature was a video player which would skip through obscure media. It would play television static and SMPTE color bars before skipping between videos. I vividly remember some of these videos being unnerving, uncanny valley stuff. Some were just goofy fun though. The site had a black background and simple ui, not much going on. Last thing, one of the videos was this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y3\_rIfOOf0 For the life of me, I cant remember this site. Curious if its still up, and eager to relive some memories with my friends if we could find it. Not sure if it was popular outside of our area, or just a regional phenomenon but like everyone knew about the site if you mentioned it. I can picture the entire site, but cant get the name! please help!!!