Toddler bed transition

I’m about to pull my hair out. My 2.5 year old was previously a pretty decent sleeper, we had her sleep trained at 2 years after a few nights of cry it out in the crib. About a month ago, she started waking up/having bedtime issues again but had improvement with cry it out. She figured out about 3 weeks ago that she could climb out of her crib and we immediately changed to a toddler bed. She refuses to nap, or sleep in it. We’ve tried putting her back in bed over and over again, she has a white noise machine, night light, lavender essential oils, strict consistent bedtime routine, books, her favorite stuffed animal, stickers, bedtime snacks, dropping/shortening naps, Motrin. She did have an ear infection 2 weeks ago but symptoms have improved since but still having the bedtime issue. You name it, we’ve tried it. I’m going crazy because she just will not sleep in her bed and won’t go to sleep unless one of us is laying on the floor with her. She won’t even lay in her own bed. Has anyone else experienced this or have any tips to make this transition easier? I feel hopeless. I feel that I should also mention when we leave her room she just screams and screams.