Masks on young children... I wish people would read the recommended guidelines before hassling me about my 20 month old!
So I am extremely frustrated with people giving me a hard time or yelling at me when I need to bring my toddler out to go food shopping. For the third week in a row someone has commented or yelled at me because my son doesn’t have a mask on. My husband is a truck driver and is gone for days sometimes weeks at a time and I have nobody else to take care of my son so I need to bring him with me. I try to make as few trips as possible but sometimes need to go to multiple stores just to get his size diapers.
Yesterday as I was walking in ShopRite a stranger screamed out... “put a mask on that baby”!!! Now I am not a confrontational person but if I was able to find the person who yelled that I would have had a heated conversation with them. Why not just stick a pillow over his face!!! I put gloves on him and had the cart covered to minimize contact... I follow the 6 foot rule and the arrows in the store (which is more than a lot of folks do). I am doing the best I can!
So to those who are judging and criticizing parents with young children who are out... do your research first and realize they are probably doing the best they can OR shut up and mind your own business!!!
Vent over!