Bramhi funniest names?

I know this is random, but I was just thinking and I realised how directors have a thing for giving Bramhanandam sir weird (and funny!) names. The ones off the top of my head -

  • I am S Lavangam. Uhh... Suribabu Lavangam -- Manmadhudu
  • Frustated cop KillBill Pandey - Race Gurram
  • McDowell's Murthy - Ready

I'm sure there are more which either I dont know or dont remember, so please share your favourites!

And please - Only the names of his characters that you find funny, not the characters themselves. He acted in a thousand films, and I am only looking for the names!

Edit : I just saw a post and I swear I had absolutely no idea that today was his birthday, but I'm amazed - I chose a very good time to decide to post this!!!