Tortoise ID?

Hello, hope this is ok to post here. I found this Tortoise in my backyard in the DFW area of Texas. I don’t believe it is native so I’m trying to get an ID before he leaves just in case I need to get something temporary set up. Shell has the pretty distinct star pattern and his body is tan without any markings. From what I can tell, he has 12 scutes and about 6.5 inches in length if that helps.

Thanks in advance!

Hello, hope this is ok to post here. I found this Tortoise in my backyard in the DFW area of Texas. I don’t believe it is native so I’m trying to get an ID before he leaves just in case I need to get something temporary set up. Shell has the pretty distinct star pattern and his body is tan without any markings. From what I can tell, he has 12 scutes and about 6.5 inches in length if that helps.

Thanks in advance!