Squishy is a MALE!!

Not a bad thing, but let me tell you how shocked I was when she whipped out her Ween earlier today. I didnt even realize what was going on, to be honest.

(Cue the Mrs Doubtfire scene where the kids find out Mrs Doubtfire is actually their Dad!!)

I let her out as I do every morning, put her on her grass so she can start eating as I hose her down. All of a sudden, I see this slimy sluggish looking thing under her and I thought (she was peeing), what the fuck is that on her??!! I pick her up and lo and behold!!! It was SWINGING ABOUT, attached to her body!!! 🫣

She needed a good soak, so I threw her in the bath, although her gular scute is still pretty small, she has a male tail for sure, and a male anal plate (is that what they are called?) Her bottom shell is pretty flat.. I mean it is what it is Lol I saw her ween, she is a male at birth, but he is a she to me!! 🎀

I will say, She is doing wonderful! Eating a lot, getting her sun in, staying warm in her warm house at night. 🥰

I read when they go into puberty they flash their ween a lot.. is this true??! Is she just gonna whip it out all the time?! Aww does this mean she is going to have more Mood swings, than her normal? Increased self-consciousness, and social anxieties related to body changes?? 🤪