Woody's Betrayal
I seen similar posts but theres one major scene thats got to be one of the biggest plot holes in toy story, why dont the other toys believe in woody? Lets take a deep dive into the twisted toy box universe
Woody is trapt at sids house, the other toys refused to help once they saw buzz's arm, but why is that?
Woody did get jealous but he has pride, hes not some asshole who enjoys being number 1 all the time, he was never a show off and never acted like one, nor does he know of his previous life, he only wanted it to last, until buzz showed up, woody couldnt accept being replaced and did something about it, although he took it the wrong way, the others see woody's behavior as an asshole when hes not, a jerk maybe but a guy you can still count on, the remaining toys guilty for their horrible actions.
Andy's toys are not dumb but they sure act like it and are lazy, lets review
Mr potato head has a variety of parts
surly someone thought he was broken
Ham the piggy bank
what is kind known for? Being smashed open
Bo peep, rocky and buzz lightyear are both solid plastic figures, meaning they have to be assembled, loose and tight parts are a possibility and can break
Wheezy the Penguin has a damage squeaker
Rex cant rawr
Wind up toys can wear down
Wood has no gun but thats pretty minor
Any other electric toy can be damaged, inferior, break down and die from a low battery
These toys are partially alive & sentient
some will outlast the others and thus they should be aware that even a toys can end.
they fully know what sid has done
humans are also guilty by also playing a part with violent and destructive imagination. Yet every toy besides wood all rebel against him all because they rather live a lazier life style, ignore reality and have no pride as woody does
Rc can drive into anything at high speed
Every other toy should and or do fully know this all except most of andy's toys
Woody did eventually change, but the others remained the same