Thoughts on how Trader Joe’s treats employees
Little things like cutting the retirement match, benefits went up, not being able to start a union. Asking employees to put on a “wow” experience but being treated like shit behind closed doors.
My husband so graciously brought this up and voted we stop going there. Ughhhh
I know this is a capital world and people will buy whatever whenever regardless of company standards but ughh.
I realize our single refusal to shop there will not change anything significant …. But at least we won’t be funding it ?
On that note : anyone know what I can replace the day and night cream with ! I love that stuff
Edit : the “ughhh” represents the exhaustion of another seemingly good company …. Isn’t that great. And for those of you asking where will I go ? The farmers market, the small family owned market down the street, grow my own shit, make my own shit. TJ is a convenience.
And no I don’t go to Walmart or use Amazon and try to avoid chains all together because they are usually shitty. Hence all the ughhs to have to put Tj on that list too.