Is this normal levels?
I always feel like shit in the gym I’m 10-12% bodyfat 21 years old eat very clean sleep 8-12 hours a night and this is my current blood work. Is this normal? Trying to figure out why I always feel like shit have 0 libido and ED…
Total testosterone 551 NG/dl %Free testosterone dialysis % 2.2 Free testosterone serum pg/ml 121 DHT NG/dL 29 Free DHT pg/mL 2.38 IGF-1 ng/ML 348 LH mIU/mL 4.5 FSH mIU/mL 1.7 Estradiol, Sensitive pg/mL 17.3 SHBG nmol/L 37.2 Free testosterone direct pg/mL 13.9