Why I'm exhausted

[spending time in the general world]

Hearing constant transphobic, threats to rollback rights, fears for my safety, fears for hormone access, dysphoria.

[goes to appointments]

Have to discuss about sex life, talking about sex dysphoria, get some bullshit ideological response about self acceptance, while wait times are many years long (it's a fob off we get fed to keep us deluded enough that we wait instead of fighting harder).

[goes to "trans community"]

Cis women who are exactly the same as every other cis woman except they changed their pronouns, the actual transsexual experience is treated as "internalised transphobia", they won't ever listen when being told that disconnecting medical needs from transsexualism will torpedo free medical care... But why would they care? It's not like they need it. They even assert that having gender dysphoria is a "privilege" because "you get taken more seriously" (genuinely not making this up). Essentially repeating the same talking points as group #1 with a different twist.

[talking to family]

"Why don't you join trans communities and find a nice partner there?" Argue with me (they do have good intentions, just misguided) when I try to explain that people who stay in those communities past certain milestones just aren't successful people and have nothing else going on.