Feeling lonely and down

Sorry in advance - just felt like I needed to rant to people that get it to be honest!

I'm finding this journey so lonely at the moment. My partner tries to be there and is brilliant, but every day is just another day for him, like either we BD or we don't and otherwise life carries on as normal, whereas, despite my best efforts I feel like I'm on a constant rollercoaster.

I spend CD 1-5 moping because I'm definitely not pregnant and there's nothing I can do. Then 6 - 11 using OPKs. Then 11 - 16 BDing, then TWWing.

I feel crap because it's not happening for us, crap because I'm obsessing over it and I don't want to be and crap because it feels like I'm going through this day in day out and to the rest of the world I should just be perfectly fine and normal because as far as they know nothing is wrong.

URGH. If you got this far, thank you. Does anyone else feel like this or am I just very dramatic 😅