Why is this industry a joke?
Left working offshore on oil rigs because I was tired of being away from home. On the rigs you work 84 hrs a week and that overtime gets you really good checks. Came out here (didn’t read the contract) and they said I’d get paid 185 a day working fleet. Good, I didn’t wanna be away from home and I can survive off that money for a while until a raise. Takes them 3 MONTHS to find me work, it’s over an hour away. Drive an hour away everyday to work at the fleet. Easier than rig work and a lot more laid back but still harder labor than 90% of jobs. Kinda enjoying the work until I get my first check. 630 bucks for 5 days of work. Go ask my cap if my next check will be bigger bc of OT AND HE SAYS I DONT GET OVERTIME. What kinda industry doesn’t give overtime? How is this lawful??? After taxes I’m making 128 a day. After gas expenses I get to keep 100$ a day ( i wasn’t expecting to drive so far I live in Baton Rouge and own a Chevy). I’m making 15$ more than minimum wage day rate. wtf is this bs? I cannot understand how they hold on to anyone in this industry that isn’t a captain.