Expirey dates
Hey Everyone,
I don't use glass jars as worry too much about invalidating prescriptions and have no judgment on any that use as I appreciate they are the best way to store them to keep them fresh. But i worry so keep in pouches or tubs they came in.
I have 2 questions and would really value some advice and views,
If I'm just using the bags and tubs they came in is my bud still probably good for at least a month or two after expiry, i know it can last longer but what is maybe a safe bet time-wise as hate wastage and sometimes have some left over.
And second question - say i have a good shelf life on a product with a good expiry date, is that expiry date only valid until i open the bag Ie if the expiry date is in 6 months when I open now will it still in theory last the full 6 months once open? Or does it reduce “after opening?”