Not sure if vaporisers are for me

Hey all, as the title suggests I've found that my vaporiser (Wolkenkraft aris ultra) doesn't really do the job for me. Don't get me wrong. I definitely get a high from it but it's really muted and low.

For extra context on the situation i should say that ive been smoking grass mixed with tobacco bought from dealers for the last 6 or 7 years pretty much every single night and recently joined alternaleaf in order to both get consistently better product and also avoid any legal issues.

I would say that i have a fairly decent tolerance so that could also be my issue but i did take a month t-break before i started dealing with Alternaleaf.

So basically i just want to know if anyone else out there also feels that the vaporisers lack something for them as well.

Im away from home atm so i cant say what in currently vaping but will edit post later with details


fairly new to vaping weed and unsure if its a good fit for me and want to know if anyone else feels the same


So ive come to the conclusion through all of your helpful comments (thank you all very much btw) that i probably am just missing the added hit the tobacco used to give me when smoking. I'm going to keep an eye open for the suggested vaporisers and make a change when ive money to spare.