Pcie usb controller card with multiple controllers
I am trying to see what the recommended usb pcie card would be. I only have one spare x16 slot and I would like to maximize the number of controllers I add so I can easily split them to different vms instead of only getting one extra controller out of a whole x16 slot. Has any one been happy with ones they use and might recommend?
Usb-c would probably be ideal as then I can just use a usb -c hub for each vm and still get plenty of bandwidth
I found
Sonnet Allegro Pro USB 3.2 Type A PCIe Card (Four SuperSpeed 10Gbps USB Connectors) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07LG5TS6H/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_TA58G6917J2Y220HFKRX
That seems to be about the best I can locate. Nvm that only has 2 controllers. I did find a 4 controller usb 3.1 gen 1 card. Those are 5gb/s each which should be plenty. Seems to be a cap at 20gb/s and I’m betting they don’t get faster than that on x4 and I doubt I’ll find an x16 one
Edit: random extra question, do you think I can just ask msi for the breakdown of the usb controller and what ports are shared? Or do you have to just map everything yourself usually?