need help exporting rigged character and animations from Blender to unreal engine 4 using rigify rig and Send to Unreal addon

Hello everybody,

I sculpted/modeled a custom 3d character in blender and rigged with the Rigify rig. I have been familiarizing myself with the new "Send to Unreal" addon in blender, successfully sending the mesh and setting up the material/texture for the mesh inside unreal engine 4, making sure that the scale is correct, etc. Now for the next step I have the character rigged and am about to create some animations such as a basic walk/ run cycle, maybe a jump animation, etc. I have created these types of animations inside blender before but have never gotten far enough to export them correctly into ue4 and set them up in a 3d player character. I was wondering if you all had any advice or resources to point me toward getting this going. the Send to Unreal addon is only a few months old so I can't find much helpful material on youtube on how to create animations in blender with Rigify and send them to unreal, set up the animation blueprint/ event graph, etc. all I have seen are tuts on using mixamo animations or people trying to sell a custom script they created. Any help is appreciated. Sorry for the rant.

tldr: need help exporting custom character and animations from blender to unreal engine 4 using rigify and the Send to Unreal addon.