I want to dedicate this thread to everyone who's waiting for their results on the 12th of December. Ik it's not easy saying it's going to be okay because for many it won't and that's just the harsh truth we have to come to terms with. We just have to accept that there are many pathways in life and nothing is linear. If u rlly want to follow that career, nothing can stop you. Yes, your atar might not get you in but there are other ways. Don't believe you no longer can follow a career over a rank. Go for it and who knows what will happen. You'd rather try and see how far you can get. in the end at least you won't look back regretting you didn't try. Don't back down without putting up a good fight. I've looked through so many posts and everyone is worried and anxious over these results and it's definitely not easy to distract yourself. People fear the what will happen once it's out, but take it one day at a time. Your life isn't going to end over a ranking. I know for some its hard looking back, thinking you could have tried better- trust me, I know. What's in the past cannot be changed and don't let your regrets become a barrier to your future. You can't move forwards if you keep holding onto the past you can't change. Atar literally has the shortest shelf life, you get one, use it to get into a course and it no longer matters. Don't let your atar define you. For many, your strengths may not lie in academics and that's not a weakness, it just means you're stronger in other areas. I know for others getting the atar for the course isn't enough, you wanted to achieve the best you could. Everyone has their bad days and we can get over it. You are smarter than you think you are. An atar won't strip that away from you. Vce tests what you have been taught and how well you can apply that info - it doesn't test how capable or talented you are as a person. Tbh talent in vce won't get you far it's the hard-work and dedication you put in. Everyone gets stressed for SACS and exams and because of that we might not do well as we had hoped. Don't think your hardwork didn't get you anywhere - because it did. It built a foundation for your future, a work ethic to continue trying hard until you succeed. In some cases, your hard-work doesn't result in incredible grades but use that as your motivation to try even harder not just in school but in your future. Coming from someone whose life is centred around academics I understand how it feels to not have everything work out. This is a learning curve and although vce seems like the end, its rlly only the start of our long journey.

I hope everyone can contribute a little something to this post, just to survive through these next few days. You can rant , cry, provide words of comfort. To y12s & y11s accelerated I wish us the best of luck for our results and the future that lies ahead.:) Lol my message was a little long