Were hank and dean allowed to stay home during missions?
So i'm rewatching the series and just finished season 5 and i noticed dean staying home on multiple occasions while doc went out doing his "super science thing" and it didn't seem to be that big an issue for doc, so my question is do you think they could have just said "nah i think i'm ganna sit this one out" at any point during the series or do you think its only because they're "18" at that point? I'm leaning more towards thinking him actually letting them stay home if they asked but because there both kind of dopes that loved the idea of "adventure" they never did for the first 4 seasons. If doc would have been willing to let hank or dean just stay home and chill in the panic room if they wanted to then that would win him a lot of points for being a better parent in my book.
I'd love to hear what other people think and whether they think it was always an option or just a "18" and over thing. Thanks for reading 😊