How much would you charge for this?
Shot and edited this Ad for “eXPOsuRe” lol.
shot the taking head was shot in subject’s garage/studio, then edited in some b roll and effects, this is for an marketing company to be advertised on FB and Instagram, advertising to med-spa like clinics.
the shoot was originated planned for 2hrs, but ended up taking 4 due to having to voice coach the subject (didn’t have the lines memorized) and about 3ish hours to edit, having to comb through about 2hrs worth of footage, then another 2 hours to edit (5 total) since he wanted me to change the b roll entirely after looking at the first edit (long story but i originally gave him heads up about the first edit to avoid having to re-edit, but you know how that goes…)
i’m relatively new to freelance work, wondering how much would you charge for something like this