Viwoods mini: Day 1
EDITED after comms with viwoods and other users.
After the initial shock of seeing meeting minutes generated by AI not being close to the meeting I was in, it seems it's not as bad as originally thought.
Orignal post starts here:
Not the day 1 I wanted to have to be honest.
I’m looking at doing an initial impressions and the first error I encounter is when I ask AI to create meeting minutes.
The minutes produced were: - not my company - not my meeting - not even the right date
At first I thought it was my handwriting but, nothing in the notes correlated.
I’ve sent an email to viwoods but I’m not sure I can get past this and it’s only day 1.
I will be taking u/2021NeedANewYear's advice and writing some various test notes and see how AI interprets them.
I do want this device to work and be a successful entrant into the e-ink world.