Dating in your 30s in DC when on the shy-side

ETA: please stop DMing me 😬

Hey all - I (31F) recognize this may be better off working on with just my shrink (which we are), but I'm wondering if anyone might have insight into dating when on the shyer side in DC? I've lived here for 6 years and have been on maybe 2 dates.

I'm in a better place in life professionally, physically and emotionally, but dating feels impossible. I've been on the apps, but anytime anyone suggests grabbing a drink or a coffee, I freeze and bail. After spending years on my own, I want to share experiences with someone - even if the concept scares me.

I volunteer weekly, though the nature of this work means I'm working primarily with women. I also belong to a club sport that I only joined recently (November) and participate in most Saturdays. I'm not afraid of going places alone but I've failed to have a meet-cute and fall in love living happily ever after lol. I'm really trying to put myself out there more than I have in a long time - although sometimes it doesn't feel like I'm doing enough.

Outside of apps, and recreational sports, do any of my fellow Washingtonians have experiences and/or advice about how to break the ice and date in DC? Are there spots that my fellow single weirdos tend to hang out?